There’s a great opportunity for managers and board members of resident owned communities scheduled for Wednesday, April 16, at the Venice Community Center. It’s the 4th Annual Community Association Festival, complete with free breakfast and lunch, prizes, food, steel drums, lots of Hawaiian shirts (wear one if you’re attending) and informative and interesting presentations from experts on topics like banking, insurance, plumbing problems, and engineering issues.
We’ll also be breaking into three separate groups (one each for board members and managers in condominiums, cooperatives, and deeded subdivisions) for legal updates specifically geared for each group. I’m pleased to once again be presenting the legal update for the cooperative association board members and managers.
Again, this is a free event. Registration starts at 8:30, the presentations will run until 12:30 or so, and a free barbecue lunch will follow.
If you want to attend, all you need to do is email Deanna Mixon at
Free food, prizes, steel drums, and information: sounds like a great way to spend the first part of the day!
If you are a newly elected or appointed board member in a cooperative and are looking to fulfill the educational requirement for board certification (or if you just want to become better informed about the laws governing cooperative associations) , I’ll be presenting my Cooperative Board Member Certification course on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, at Molokai, which is at 1 Hawaiian Way in Leesburg. Registration starts at 9:15 a.m. and the course begins at 10 a.m. and should conclude by no later than 1 p.m. Please rsvp by email to if you wish to attend.
I hope to see many of you later this month at Molokai or at the Venice Community Center!