I’m posting a link for tomorrow’s Community Association Day scheduled at the Bradenton Area Convention Center. CA Day is always a very well attended event with tremendous opportunities for ROC Board Members to learn, network, and have fun. Admission is free but if you have a chance to rsvp for the event please do so. We anticipate a record-breaking turnout this year.
I’ll also be taping this Saturday’s edition of "Community Matters" at CA Day after participating in the attorneys’ panel discussion and look forward to a very busy morning tomorrow.
My first three certification training presentations for board members in cooperative associations have been completed and I am very pleased with the attendance and the questions and comments I’ve received. I have co-op board member certification training courses scheduled for March 26 at Imperial Bonita Estates in Bonita Springs and April 8 at Molokai in Leesburg.
I hope to see many of our ROC friends at CA Day tomorrow, later this month at Imperial Bonita Estates, or in April at Molokai.
Enjoy this first day of Spring!