We’re only two weeks into 2012 and I’ve already had the opportunity to make a presentation on conducting elections in community associations for managers and board members on behalf of our local chapter of the Community Associations Institute and speak about the"55 and over" exemption and other Fair Housing issues at this month’s meeting of EPROC at the Colony Hills community in Zephyrhills.   EPROC has grown tremendously in the two short years since its formation and this is in large part due to the efforts of Rebecca Gaddis, who recently accepted a new position with the San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union.   Since that’s San Antonio, Florida (not Texas), and she’ll be based out of Zephyrhills, EPROC will continue to benefit from Rebecca’s involvement.  It was very encouraging to see so many communities represented at EPROC’s January meeting and I’ll look forward to returning to their April meeting to moderate a discussion on the various types of community management.

I’m pleased to announce the dates of our next set of seminars for managers and board members in resident owned communities:

  • Tuesday, January 31 at Village on the Greens in Bradenton (formerly known as El Rancho Village–we had a great time at their very well attended "name change" celebration on January 5th!)
  • Friday, February 3 at Camp Florida Resort in Lake Placid
  • Wednesday, February 8 at Bonita Beach Trailer Park in Bonita Springs
  • Thursday, February 16, at Sandalwood Park in Venice

We’ll be covering a number of topics at these seminars, including the following:

  • What every board member and manager should know about buying, selling, and transferring homes in resident owned communities
  • Florida-friendly landscaping
  • Updating the "55 and over" survey in ROCs

As always, we’ll discuss any proposed legislation affecting resident owned communities and leave some time for questions and suggested topics for future seminars.

All of these seminars start at 10 a.m. but many attendees arrive a bit early to enjoy the refreshments and meet and greet attendees from other communities.  We’ll aim for ending these seminars between noon and 12:30

Please call Karen Midlam or Kathy Sawdo at our office (941-951-1800) or email them at kmidlam@lutzbobo.com or ksawdo@lutzbobo.com to let us know which of these seminars you’ll be attending, the number of members from your community that will be attending, and whether you’ll need directions to the host community.

There’s no charge to attend and enjoy some refreshments and the company of other ROC board members–and pick up some useful information!

I hope to see you at one of these seminars.



