The last of our second series of seminars for the season is set for February 24th at Caribbean Isles in Apollo Beach. We’ll be starting our last set of presentations less than two weeks from now.
Here are the dates and locations of these upcoming seminars:
- Wednesday, March 3, at Japanese Gardens in Venice
- Tuesday, March 9, at Harbor Oaks in Fruitland Park in Lake County
- Tuesday, March 23, at Golf Lakes in Bradenton
- Thursday, April 1, at Enchanting Shores in Naples
We’ll be covering a number of very interesting topics, including a mini-orientation for ROC board members and a discussion of financial opportunities for ROCs in this challenging economy. Current cases and pending legislation will be covered, including any additional information we’ve gathered on House Bill 419 and companion Senate Bill 864 that appear to be on the agenda of Florida’s legislature during its upcoming session. As always, we’ll try to provide ample time for a general "question and answer" session. The seminars will be begin at 10 a.m. and we should be finished by 12:30 pm at the latest.
Refreshments will be served, and there’s no charge to attend. If members of your community would like to attend any of these seminars, please rsvp by emailing either Kathy Sawdo at or Karen Midlam at Just let them know which seminar you’d like to attend, the name of your community and the number of residents from your community that will be attending, and whether you’ll need directions to the host community. We like to give each of our host communities a "head count" of attendees a few days prior to the seminar that community is hosting so, if at all possible, please rsvp at least a few days before the event you’re planning to attend.
We hope to see you at one of these events.