Several weeks ago I mentioned the educational opportunities offered at the upcoming annual convention of the Florida Manufactured Housing Association at the Saddlebrook Resort just north of Tampa on October 7 and 8.
I received a memo earlier this week from the FMHA about a "Round Table Discussion" that will be held at the convention at approximately 3:15 p.m. on October 8. This discussion is entitled "What Works to Fill Homesite Vacancies?" and will cover a variety of methods and ideas that can be used to help communities find prospective residents.
Given today’s economic climate, this is a very timely and important subject for ROC managers and board members. Please note that this "Round Table Discussion" is open to all FMHA members and if you have questions and want to attend the convention please contact the FMHA at
Speaking of "Roundtables," I am in the process of scheduling our first set of seminars for the "season" to be held in November and December. We try to have several "roundtable" seminars each year in communities that are located in the geographical areas that we serve and if your community would be interested in hosting one of these events, please contact me.
As always, we welcome your input in helping us plan the topics for these educational seminars–so if you have any subjects, questions, or issues that you’d like us to cover, please let me know.
I’ll post the dates, times, and locations of our November and December seminars in the near future.