Those of you that have attended our seminars for resident owned communities know that I stress the importance of all board meetings being properly noticed and open to all association members.

I’m asked at least several times every year whether a ROC board can meet in "emergency" session and thus dispense with the requirements to

I’ve been spending a good deal of time recently attending the annual membership meetings of a number of the ROCs we represent and helping many of our communities prepare for these meetings.

I thought I’d list a few reminders for board members and managers of condominium and cooperative associations preparing for annual meetings:

  • The annual

Most ROC managers and board members know that Florida statutes governing condominium associations and cooperative associations allow directors to attend a board meeting by phone.  

While the statutes governing mandatory homeowners associations don’t provide for an HOA board member to appear by phone at a board meeting, if the HOA is a not-for-profit corporation

The Florida Legislature substantially revised several sections of our state’s Condominium Act last year.   One of the important revisions focused on the length of time a unit owner could serve as a board member without seeking re-election.   Effective October 1, 2008, the terms of all members serving on condominium association boards were considered to