I just read two articles in the New York Times that I wanted to bring to the attention of the followers of my blog.
- It’s no surprise to anyone that Florida has been one of the states most heavily impacted by the foreclosure crisis. The number of foreclosures continues to grow daily and our court system is struggling to find an answer to the increasing backlog of cases. Gretchen Morgenson’s and Geraldine Fabrikant’s piece in the Business Day section of the September 4, 2010 of the Times is entitled "Florida’s High-Speed Answer to a Foreclosure Mess" and paints a very distressing picture of the challenges we face in finding solutions to the problems created by the onslaught of foreclosure actions. I think you’ll find this a very eye-opening read.
- There’s a battle being fought in a resident-owned community in Arizona over a flag that a homeowner (a former board member!!) is flying on his roof. It’s a yellow ‘Don’t Tread on Me" banner that (coincidentally?) has been adopted by the current "Tea Party" movement. Marc Lacey’s piece appears in the August 30, 2010 edition of the Times and is entitled "Homeowner’s Fight Involves Flag Tied to Tea Party". I recommend this piece for all members of ROCs who might otherwise think that these disputes occur only in our fair state.
I’ll be speaking at the First Annual Dowd, Whittaker & Associates Community Associates Community Association Festival at the Venice Community Center. All Board members and managers of ROCs are invited to attend from 9 a.m. to noon on either October 19th or October 20th. The event is free to all and there will be prizes, food, drinks and music. The suggested attire is "your tackiest Hawaiian shirt." You’ll find the link to register for the event right here: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e30dxr1rce2238b3&llr=vdb8x9dab
I hope everyone had a safe and restful Labor Day weekend and that the rest of the hurricane season remains quiet in our neck of the woods. I’ll look forward to seeing many of you (in your most colorful Aloha shirts) at Venice Community Center on either October 19 or October 20!